Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fall-in, Power Out, and Badass Gnomes

It's been a long week for those on the east coast. It doesn't matter if you got out of Hurricane Sandy unscathed or are those in New York City planning a version of Thunderdome, it's been a week of survival, rather than work and gaming.

Here at the Viscount Eric Estate we had no problems, outside of 40 hours without power, just about the same time we had with Irene (link).

Elsewhere, damage was greater such as Jugular Josh's relatives:
Trees may fall, but garden gnomes live forever!
My mother's house, the center of many years of gaming, suffered the loss of one the 60+ year old evergreens, also creating a giant speed bump on the road:

The pre-storm weekend was filled with generic arts and crafts plus one gaming related one. I present, after much gnashing of teeth and piles of glue, the pirate ship Jake and the royal tugboat Lady in Waiting.

A drink carton, construction paper, toilet paper tube, a straw, and lots o glue. I found this in some parenting/Better Homes magazines while waiting for my mother-in-law to get out of surgery a while back, but the nurse called me to let me know she was out of recovery and I never
actually got to look at the instructions. Not a problem, until I tried to put together the mast. After putzing around with the first one, I decided a steamship was a better choice for the second.

This weekend is Fall-In! in Lancaster. I wasn't going before the storm, and it was the best decision. The exterior of the house is okay, but we're still trying to get things to normal inside. I won't see the gnomies for an entire year, although I did get some strange drunk texts late Thursday, but I won't divulge details. Hopefully everyone has fun.

Upcoming: The plan is to get some painting done, possibly eBay goblins, I've got to assemble the Burning Plastic game for Mepacon next weekend, complete with a trip to theDollar Store. Finally, I've got to finalize our next Cthulhu game. Time to have some fun.

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