
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Planning for 2010...

During the lulls of the day, I've been trying to figure out what we'll be doing gaming-wise. The fall is a tough gaming season: between the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons it's rare to find enough people to game (outside of Drunken Diplomacy at SATLOF *fingers crossed*).

Here's a temporary plan for 2010:

Winter 2010: Finish up the Wishing Well War campaign for Gnome Wars and start up the League of Gnomes play-by-email Diplomacy Game.

Spring 2010: Some Gnome Wars scenarios created from the League of Gnomes. Call of Cthulhu: PA Coal Country, perhaps some Hackmaster.

Summer 2010: The "big" game: Scorpion Gulch should roll out in time for more gamers. It's a four-part western mini-campaign uses Aces & Eights. Should be a hoot!

Fall 2010: More coal country Cthulhu. If the chips fall right with the League of Gnomes, I could start the Ostburg campaign in Gnome Wars.

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