
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Historicon War College and "Uncle Duke"

The HMGS War College at Historicon has posted their seminar list:

It's too bad we'll be going down Friday morning, as Thursday block is chock full of interesting stuff: Bismark's Armies by Casemate Publishing, Imperial Texas, The Battle of Luzon, and Irregular Warfare on the Revolutionary (a little love for Sullivan's Campaign), Le Hamel, and the Israeli War for Independence. *whew*

Friday might be managable: Cossack rebellions and the Austro-Hungarian Romanian campaign.

Saturday's Inventing the Schlieffen Plan is my one guaranteed seminar. That is, until the PEL comes out.

And directly from the Historicon website:
This year marks the 75th Anniversary of Duke Seifried offerings to the historical miniatures gaming hobby. Since it will be the last time Duke will be hosting games at conventions, he will be bringing 14 of his best games to this year’s HISTORICON – one last time! Full details will be available in the Events (PEL) link at the left as of May 14th.

Rumor has it that these games will be sold lock-stock-and barrel after they are run at the convention. "Uncle Duke" wowed me with his presentation and showmanship at Origins '96 in Philadelphia and I make sure I take pics of every game he's run at an HMGS-East con. This just means more GMs need to kick up their games a notch and upgrade from felt and a couple clumps of lichen to professional appearance.

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