
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 12, 2010

We have met the enemy, and the camera's battery died

This Sunday we got a small Game Day together. Steve and Nate drove up from Allentown and we got *gasp* two different games run.

First was the next Gnome Wars scenario: The "Battle" of Regensburg. With the rail depot denied to them, the Germans began advancing through the Swiss countryside. At Regensburg the Swiss mounted resistance:

German Units, under the command of Field Marshall Von O'Hara:
3rd German Infantry (The Flying Monkeys)
15th German (The Badenboens)
2nd German Cav
One Schneider Tanks (Two 4d Machine Guns)
Two trucks full of booze and dignitaries.

Swiss Resistance, commanded by General Millheim:
5th Swiss
Regensburg Defense Force
A French Mortar Team as "Advisors"
The 1st Sikhs, who came in turn three

The Early Turns: The Field Marshall led with the Tank down the main road, the 3rd Germans moved to the left to search houses. The 15th accompanied the Trucks "secret service" style, full move pointing away. The Swiss set up in each building, hid behind walls, and secured their HQ in a large barn to the right of the German advance. General Millheim set out four digging teams , all but one survived the game.

The Middle Turns The tank took two hits from the mortar, killing one crew member. von O'Hara turned it into a stationary weapons platform killing the mortar crew, a group of Swiss trying to reman it, and then firing indiscriminately into the barn and a farmhouse directly across. The 3rd Germans met fierce resistance in the first farmhouse from the RDF and... *ta da* the Wizard and a flurry of gnomelings. I treated the explosions as down and not "blown up" and the German Bier Doktor had a 100% rate treating those that fell. Soon, the first farmhouse was in German hands. On the road, two Swiss riflemen crawled from a tunnel, ran across the road, and shot the driver of the first Truck. In a sweet act of karma, the truck drove out of control right into the two Swiss, both of whom failed their saves. The 15th Germans slowly creeped behind the burning wreckage. The 2nd Cav emerged gallantly from the wood in charge formation, jumped a fence with only one falling and realized they were heading right into the 1st Sikhs, who had wisely formed square. The Sikhs took out at least a half dozen rabbits. and the remainder headed out towards the road.

The Final Turns: The 3rd German were focused on mop-up on the left side of town, fighting Swiss who were falling back. The 15th Germans on the road were subject to line of volley fire from the advancing Sikhs. Part Florence Nightingale, Part Jesus Christ, and Part Sam Malone from Cheers, the Bier Doktor and a Bier Nurse dashed to the scene and saved 8 of the 10 casualties of the volley fire. The 15th would return fire, and despite a St Bernard nearby, the Sikhs still refused western medical aid.
In an act that could be considered foolish, General Millheim deployed their lone Alphorn upon a hill at the far end of the board, to "alert everyone of the German advance". It stayed on it's little hill, undefended, until it met the charging German Cav. The Cav had been forced to make a morale roll, and then proceeded to stymy the Swiss counterattack and escape off the board. At that point General Millheim deemed it appropriate to withdraw from the town.

Despite a significant German victory at first glance, the Swiss resistance did more than kick them in the proverbial shins. One destroyed beer truck depletes the German spoils, their tank has significant damage, and the Cav is at recon strength rather than attack strength. The Swiss are at full strength, their new Sikh allies will send reinforcements, but not too many, and we still don't know the allegiances of the Scots or the Irish.

Next session will the Battle for the Teutonburg Forest, where the Swiss+Allies finally go on the offensive, and the despicable Field Marshall von O'Hara's motives are discovered. All are welcome.

The second game was a semi-short two player Call of Cthulhu game, using Dr. Millheim and his buddy Steven. A write-up of Dust to Dust will be done shortly, after the two previous Actual plays are written up. Let's just say the duo thought a bit too much, and for once, they didn't save the day.

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