
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, September 27, 2010

Back from the boat and better than ever...

I successfully survived a week on a cruise ship with my wife and daughter! Most of the time was trailing the little one and her handy-dandy monkey backpack, but I put together some drinking time, some tear-the-roof-off karaoke time, and I did get most of my projects finished.

For Toon's Cthulhu Comes to Springfield, all the characters save one or two are done. My biggest worry about shticks for each character was resolved... by not giving one to every character, rather the more famous characters get them. And not all the shticks are beneficial. Scenarios are outlined and I've run them through my head enough times during some rough nights that all I need to do is write-up the official character sheets.

Probable "episodes" are "Mr Smooth", a updated version of "Homer the Ghoul", "Krusty the Kultist", and "R'yleah Rising".

For Hackmaster, to go was a bit slower: I didn't get to start rolling dice until the last night and got through everything but skills but the time we got off the ship. The truthful quirk was prevelant amongst the characters, but in a party where everyone has secrets but no one would even think about asking the right questions, it may not be problem until it's too late, and it's already dire straits in Cyndicea when the players read the PC backgrounds.

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