
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall-in! 2011 PEL is up

The preliminary event listing (PEL) for Fall-in! 2011 in Lancaster has been posted on the website:

With the con running October 29-31, I wasn't surprised with only a 22-page document. Between Halloween and the fact that Fall-in! is traditionally the least attended HMGS con, I'm happy with the choices I have.

The major thing that sticks out to me is the lack of Gnome Wars games. There's a evening joust on Friday, but nothing else. Here's hoping Jim's (The Gnome Guy) son wants one more go at trick-or-treating on Saturday.

For the time being, my wife has given me a Saturday day pass in Lancaster. The lack of Gnome Wars lets me concentrate on playing other games, developing a very particular (and cost effective) shopping list, and probably getting home before trick-or-treating.

Mepacon is two weeks later, much closer, and I have a full Saturday slate... I'm not going to push my luck, but I do have two games that piqued my interest (and by the fates that plague me, they're both running at the same time):

S-238 - Banana Wars: The Marines Land in Nicaragua, 7 February, 1898 - Theme Game
Sat. 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, 10 players
GM: John Camarano
19th Century 28mm, Rules: A Good Day to Die
On the morning of 7 February 1898, the local United States
consular agent requested the USS Alert, at anchor in the harbor of
Bluefields, to stand by in case of an attack on the city. A force of
Marines and Sailors was ready to respond in case of trouble. What
did the Navy commander see that morning when he looked through
his binoculars on the sleepy little town?

S-322 - Otjihinamaparero: The Threatened Flank(German South-West Afrika 1904) Sat. 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, 6 playersGM: Roy Jones with Eric AlvaradoSponsor: Falcon Miniatures, Prize: Gift CertificateColonial 25mm, Rules: Sword & the Flame (modified) The Hereros occupy the formidable natural fortress ofOtjihinamaparero, with it's high rock walls. Schutztruppen andmarines launch a north flank assault, but the Hereros hold theirground, showering the attackers with lead. The Hereros must nowcounter attack quickly, before the Germans can break the morale ofthe Hereros army. From the new scenario book "The HererosWar". More at:

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