
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So Eric, what will you actually play?

This afternoon I sent out one of my standard, "Who's available for gaming?" emails to my gamer buds. I'd like to get one quick playtest of my "Cthulhu Comes to Springfield" game before the con, and my new work schedule realy crimps MY availibility for once.

I also included the "Monster Master List" of what I could run this upcoming year, if I get enough interest. It was about double the lists for my goals I had posted here earlier, but I've learned to give the people options, and you tend to game more often than not.

I finally added something new at the end, besides a shameless plug for the blog. After the list of everything I was willing to run, I listed everything I was willing to participate in as a player.

I’ve gotten my fair share of invites for games over the past few years. 2nd Edition AD&D, 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder, 4th Edition, heck even a World of Darkness game or two. The main problem hasn’t been the quantity of invites, the scheduling of them, or even the quality of the games played; it’s been the type of game played. I’ll possibly take a shot with a 2nd Edition game, but an invite to any post-2nd game and their derivatives (save Hackmaster) will be greeted with a polite, “I’ll think about it!”, but inside I’m just saying “No, no, no, no, NO!”

So, to not be compared to certain Life Cereal spokesman, what DOES Eric like to play?

Role-Playing Games
Old School D&D: – AD&D (1st or 2nd), Basic D&D (Rules Cyclopedia or BECMI), the fewer supplements, if any, the better. I’d rather deal with a small booklet of house rules than an Unearthed Arcana, Complete Series, or Player Option series.

Call of Cthulhu: I don't feel I played enough before I became a "full-time" Keeper. I never had a character "mature" with their Mythos knowledge, so I'm living vicariously through the Coal Crackers. I'd be down with a good 20's game, or an awesome Delta Green game. I'm more intersested in someone running a Coal Cracker game and introducing my own character.

Classic Star Wars (d6 WEG): I never had a legendary game like some of my buddies, but it's freakin STAR WARS, and outside of wildly powerful games, d6 is an awesome system.

Rifts/Palladium System: It's panned by some, hated by others, but Palladium has some old school goodness in it, and it flagship of the system, Rifts is chock full of post-apocalyptic goodness. I would be happy with a core book campaign vs. the coalition, with dual characters, one with Rogue Scholars and Spies, and one with the M.D.C. badasses.

Board/Card Games:
Apples to Apples
Settlers of Catan
Ticket to Ride
Samurai Swords

Miniatures Games:
Gnome Wars: Yeah, duh. Now mind you I only have the 14th Swiss Training Company in complete playable, so any outside game might help me with my painting routine.

Trench Wars: It is the system that Gnome Wars is based off of. I've been trying to get into a game for the last few years to see its "realism" vs gnomish cheese, etc, but I either have had a different game same session, it's booked solid, or we're late getting to the site. I'd like a system to work with if I ever want to start working with WWI figs.

The Sword and the Flame: After Uncle Duke’s game last summer, I realized that I like the system. It’s dice intensive, moderately complex, and requires special rules for each scenario (but not too many). As THE traditional system for the Colonial period, I’d like to get a little more familiarity with the system before fooling around with running that period.

Mordheim: I'd throw in Necromunda with this, but Mordheim's playability, scenario balance, and campaign rules far outweigh the nostalgia of my only 'Munda campaign.

Axis and Allies Land and Naval Minis: Not as a collector of the game, but I want to use the units in a campaign setting, and we have two guys in the group with decent to awesome collections.

All the Kings Men: My obsession, like a fry cook dreams of Porches. I'm frightened to say I have enough 54mm figs to play a game, but I want to play with someone else's figs.

BattleTech: The grand-daddy of all minis games for me. I’d like to find a friendly group not obsessed with Clan/3060 Tech, play a few big games for fun, then move onto campaign play.

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