
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, November 8, 2010

(RPG) Playtesting is fun... and should be banned in 39 states

Sunday was the much anticipated playtest of Cthulhu Comes to Springfield, my Simpons Toon game. We all met at Balls' place in Allentown, which has its perks (well stocked bar, walking distance for food, and his wife met us at the door in her robe, but that's another story for another blog.

Nichols, Scott, Balls, and Steve were test subjects. I figured the four of them could do equal damage versus a group of six strangers at con, so we were go for playing.

We ran three of the hour long episodes I planed on running next Saturday: Work at Homer, Mister Smooth's Baskets, and Krusty the Kultist. I won't go into details so as not to spoil the surprise at the con (and possibly subsequent con events), but let me just say that Scott makes a great Groundskeeper Willie, Steve and Balls do spot on Chief Wiggums, everyone's portrayal of Ralph nearly broke me, and the the age limit will imediately go up from 12 to 18. If the con group plays half as twisted as my playtesters, I could not, in good conscience, run this game with children or teenagers present.

The group also helped me brainstorm the 4th episode (tim permitting) The Atomic Call of Cthulhu. I have such faded memories of that and the fabled 5th episode that it was better to rebuild it from only the most basic of outlines. Three words: Car, Seats, Duffman!!!!!!!

After a jaunt to the local Chinese buffet, we threw together a quick Risus: IOU session. Tannenbaum, the Professor, and Keith Stone got served court papers implicating them in the damage of a multi-billion credit starship, as well as unleashing Elvis onto the Human Occupied Landfill (HoL). The bad new was that they would be forced to do community service for the Intergalatic Parcel Service. The good news: Keith Stone got the keys to a delivery shuttlecraft.
This helps me expand upon 2011's two words: Radioactive Spittoon.

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