
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, November 26, 2010

(RPG) Space 1889 - Red Sands Released

This week, Pinnacle is shipping Space 1889: Red Sands, the eccentric classic of Victorian Sci-Fi where the sun never ever sets on the British Empire, since they have colonies on four planets!

The original Space 1889 was something I had great interest in, but like all non-traditional settings, I couldn't get enough interested players versus D&D, Hackmaster, Star Wars, etc. Victorian values, hordes of noble (and ignoble) savages, and just the occaisional headstrong woman mucking up the adventures. What else would you want? (I do question the use of spandex in women's clothing during the sci-fi Victorian Era. The woman on the cover's clothing seems a bit tight for the modest standards. The ripped clothing is just a result of her "not knowing her place, " and would be anticipated, if frowned upon.)

The new game is set up for use Pinnacle's Savage Worlds system and does require the SW main rulebook. Considering I was just invited into a yet-to-be deteremined Savage Worlds PbP game, we may have another setting/genre choice.

For order information:

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