
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What Out-of-the-Blue Item Do I Want?

Random question #2 for the month of November: At this second what is the one out-of-the-blue item would I be interested in?

Answer: Skirmish-level 20mm to 28mm Vietnam game with great campaign rules.

Explanation: My thought was RECON, that lovely Palladium wargame turned into an RPG that played like a wargame without the figs. I loved the slim 2nd edition/Advanced Recon combo. No frills, no character "depth," just get through enough missions and go home. Back in my early college days at Nic-Nac I even started a West African game using the rules, but after two sessions it fell to the wayside, just like every other game that entered the club.

Despite the heavy body count, I would love to see some campaign development rules a la Mordheim. Incremental stat increases, backup weapons, and lucky "trophies" to add some flavor to the game. And don't forget about those NVA and Viet Cong. They didn't become sneaky overnight, although they might benefit from an accelerated xp system to offset their "nameless" roles they usually portray.

You get me that, then we'll talk about regional/historical updates to cover most modern African Wars, Middle East conflicts, heck I'd even play zombie apocalypse with that.

Anybody know something like this? Anyone? Bueller? *crickets*

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