
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Legions of Steel Update (Perchance to dream...)

I miss the Yahoo! group boards. There was a time where that was the place to be for specific games/genres/etc... Ten years ago I would spend most of my time perusing the groups I was a member of: ERPGA, The Society of Neffs, various other gaming groups. However, over the last few years, companies have transitioned to their own message boards (Brigade Games is the latest to do this). Nowadays I might make a bi-monthly visit just to see if there's any new stuff popping up.

A pre-Christmas post on the Legions of Steel Yahoo! group from creator Clark Browning is definitely worth noting. After going over the future use of pdfs for rules, tiles, and counters (I couldn't imagine how much the LoS original box set would go for it was made today) he gets to this:

"I want to put together a designers' package and open gaming license for what I envision as the Line-Of-Sight Tabletop Warfare System. There are various legal and practical reasons for doing so, but the bottom line is that if you want Tyrranids battling Imperial Stormtroopers we should all be on the same page and not get sued in the process."

*drool* Basically we're looking at a d20 OGL for miniature wargaming using the LoS/Planetstorm rules as a base. The anti-Games Workshop approach. Let's just get some lead on the table and play. Throw in some rules for 15mm and 6mm play and there are thousands of figs to play with that aren't $45 for a mediocre vehicle.

"Meanwhile, there is so much room for new figs: Panzerdyne 9000 series,Fantasian Privateers, Infranite Shamans, Black Empire Ninjas, Omega Fiends and cyborgs, non-powered infantry, Galactics, and more. If this is going to be a business, it needs a new marketing paradigm."

*double drool* First off, I would just like some basic UNE troopers and Nightmares available with some consistency. Make the basic troop types affordable and I'll work a second job for more figs. I know the Archfiend and Super Fortress will never see the light of day again, but I would like to see the U.N.E Fast Attack Vehicle with a decent resin cast. I just hope that if this does get off the ground that they look at what "equivilant" figures are available and at what price. With the OGL, people are far more willing to look for cheaper figure if they don't get the GW Tourney scorn.

But what I am thinking of would need you guys as business associates. Think "TupperwareParty". That's all I am going to say at this point.

I am interested in subscribing to your newsletter, Mr. Browning. A good Outrider/Stryker/Demo Team program that focuses on compensation for sales vs. number of cons/stores I could drive to. The guys would be doing it for more than "the love of the game" but why shouldn't the guy who got you into the game get a little residual for the effort and enthusiasm. "LoS Parties" anyone? Let's just hope it doesn't turn into an Amway or Maleleuca scheme.

As a side play, I wanted to do "Bucket O' Death", which is stripped down LOS/Planetstorm rules for use with a bucket full of cheap, plastic army soldiers that you can play on a tabletop, with your lamp, dishes, cutlery and such as terrain, or on the floor or where ever.

I may have to offer Clark a perusal of Burning Plastic. Sounds like a good playtesting technique for yet-to-be-produced minis. I welcome all forms of kitchen table fun!

Nothing like teases to titillate a former sci-fi wargamer. I had WWI minis in my five-year plan. If this evolves beyond ideas and dreams while downing a pint, I'll become a full-fledged fanboy again.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your blog on LoS and thought Id show you what i picked up a few weeks back from an old gamer clearing house:
