
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

(LoS) Thank You eBay! Damn You eBay!

First off, my littlest girl, Amelia has been in the hospital the past week. She's slowing improving, although I will offer myself as an indentured servant if someone can invent a vacuum for the lungs to suck up this mucus-y sludge that put her there in the first place. Thoughts, good vibes, and prayers are accepted and appreciated.

That said, this post has been a work in progress for the past week and a half for that very reason. Pictures will be posted at first convenience:

Before all this medical stuff came up, I had a few moments to do a little perusing on eBay. Nothing spectacular, really, just looking for some inexpensive terrain, odd bits, and a few woefully underpriced RPG books that I was notorious for snagging years ago. I made a few forays into some CoC stuff (Really, I can justify an $8 Cthulhu book with shipping to my wife... I think), moved over into Mordheim and Necromunda territory, and finally typed in three little words on a whim.

Legions of Steel

Not many results popped up: The Advanced Rules, the Alien Sourcebook.... and a Black Empire Chariot

Now, it's not the Archfiend or the Superfortress, but it is a cool model, so my $5.00 bid goes in, then a $10, just to be safe, and finally a $14.00 one.

A few days later and I'm the proud papa of a Black Empire Chariot for $10 (S&H included). Oh Lord, grant my wife mercy so she doesn't kill me as I inch closer to another game.

Oh course, the irony is, a few hours after I payed via Paypal, the seller put up ANOTHER chariot at the same starting price. I did not tempt fate and see just how many this guys had and worked on a bulk price, although I'm sure I can put together some explanation for their appearance in Gnome Wars (German Slave Girl Barges?), but I digress.

Just a day or two later, and some fella on TMP was selling either a UNE Support Weapon Squad (5 figs) or five Fantasians. $20 bucks for either set, shipping included. I snagged the UNE Troopers:

Now the real problem has come after that. The original seller of the Black Chariot on eBay? He has a slew of items for sale now: UNE, Machine, Black Empire, Fantasians. The figs are packaged in old blisters and even the latter squad boxes. More importantly a UNE Fast Attack Vehicle for $3.00! If this posts makes me lose a fantastic buy, so much the better, cause I think I bid on a few too many items and with lack of work plus upcoming medical bills, if I ever get a moment of rest, it shouldn't be on eBay, it should be painting (there is a GW French pastry mortar still waiting to be assembled.

So I guess this is me saying my really frugal gaming plan for 2011 has been shot to hell, and I'll be looking of LoS playing soon (or indoctrinating a whole new generation).

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