
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vis-con delayed indefinitely

I had mentioned in the review of last fall's Mepacon, that we were trying to throw together a con for the Lehigh Valley. To say nothing's been done since Mepacon moved to Northeast Pennsylvania is the biggest travesty that could befall a vibrant and open gaming community.

There were a number of things we needed to review with Wilson Borough Community Center staff just to be sure there wasn't something that would make them shut us down the morning of the con. Everything was on hiatus until the first of this year, as they wouln't even discuss reservations until that time. Our Point of Contact, Brian, appeared to had fallen off the face of the Earth and then the medical issues with my youngest daughter kicked up. However, I did have a few people inquire as to the status of the con, so in the few moments my little girl is rest peacefully and growing stronger I was beginning to throw numbers together and recruit a second POC (who must be a resident of Wilson Borough.)

I finally got a phone call yesterday from Brian while I was (surprise) at the hospital. I'll deem this Point of Contact fiat, but Brian had seen my numerous medical posts on Facebook and felt with all the trouble occurring, it might be wise to push off the con until the Fall. I have no problem with that, although I question why he couldn't shoot a quick email to me a week or two ago.

All that said and don, Vis-Con, Q-Con, The Forks of the Delaware Grand Poobah Dorito Eating and Dice-Chucking Extravaganza is indefinitely put on hold. But I will update everyone once something positive can be nailed down as a date.

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