
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Apathy of New Releases (April 2011)

The latest Game Trade Monthly is out and I'm back to not impressed. The month's preorders are scheduled for May or June 2011, so we are in the pre-con season lulls.

My personal want list - absolutely nothing. Twenty pages of games and nothing comes close to tickle my fancy.

My wish list - I said earlier that I'd be interested Warlord Games' Swedish Infantry, so it would be foolish if I didn't want the Swedish Cav. The one big announcement that isn't listed this month is the Super Uber Mother of all Ogre Boxed Set. $100 worth of counters. Oh, if I only had the time and enthusiastic friend to play this every day!

The Store List: *Flames of War - Lots of artillery and entrenchments/emplacements. I'm still very confused as to the pricing. This month they release a Polish Armoured Train for $150. $150? $150 for a 15mm large piece of artillery that needs rail lines available to be used... and it's POLISH. Now compare that to the 28-30mm Armored Train from Brigade Games thats train, tender, three flats cars and a couple packs of figures for $125. *SHADOWRUN:ANARCHY - SUBSIDIZED

*NOBILIS: THE ESSENTIALS VOLUME 1 - FIELD GUIDE TO THE POWERS - A reprint of a game that people either love or find annoyingly pretentious. Now it goes from a coffee table book to multiple volumes. I just don't know.

*EXPEDITIOUS RETREAT PRESS releases The Secret of the Callair Hills for OSRIC(!)(?)

*Arkham Horror- Miskatonic Horror Expansion!

*Mark of the Xenos book for the Deathwatch (40k) RPG.

*Gale Force Nine is releasing the D&D Ultimate DM Screen:

It's nice, it's a behemoth, and yet the only thing behind that screen are little boxes for dice and small shelves for figures. Again, not impressed for $150 (another $150 waste!). At least the fictional SteamHack GM screen had charts in it! I'll stick to my 50-cent Gamma World screen I picked up at Kay-Bee Toys twenty years ago.

*Paranoia Flashbacks Revisted Redux Redux: a collection of classic Paranoia adventures fit for the current edition.

*SIX more Pathfinder items from Paizo!

*Digest version of numerous Castle & Crusades books

*Three new items from WoTC: DN2 - THE WITCHLIGHT FENS DUNGEON TILE, MONSTER VAULT EXPANSION -THREATS TO THE NENTIR VALE, and the CONQUEST OF NERATH BOARD GAME, a steal at $79.99, considering the description has bad flavor text, yet no mention of playing pieces, accessories, etc!
*Finally, a Captain America expansion for Heroclix, just in time for the movie!

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