
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cold Was 2011 Part Two: Pictures!!!

Just a few of the pics that came out from Saturday:
A beautifully chaotic Trench Wars game

A naval game using opaque plastic panels over blue felt. Sparkly!

Ooooh! Ruins!

A cardboard Western town

All the King's Men 54mm fort

Age of Steam Sci-Fi? Tricorner hats and DaVinci Machines

Up, Up, and away in my beautiful balloon

Civil War using HeroScape

Jungle Terrain

A game of Epic (Space Marine)

Fleet Action game for control of the Canals of Mars

Pirates! Arrrrgggghhhh!

And a mandatory Napoleonic shot...
Next up: Part Three - Gnomes!

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