
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The tradition lives on!

With the birth of my second daughter, the terror of an extended hospital stay, the general chaos of two children, and my impatience with a tax return check, my trip to Cold Wars this year will be, at best, a day trip. At worst, a playdate supervising my two-year old and a friend back home, and somewhere in the middle, Nichols might come up and play some Legions of Steel Saturday.

The only tiny regret was that we couldn't make it another "guy's weekend." The last two years Nichols, Steve, and myself stayed overnight at Steve's place in Allentown Thursday night, drove down to Lancaster early Friday, passed out at the Continental that night and gamed till 8-ish Saturday. The first year, Steve's best friend Jeff accompanied us and it was epic. With only three of us last year, it was a bit subdued. However, with the exception of one event, we all gamed together for two whole days and no one got on each other's nerves. There's a blog post from last March about it. Look it up.

With a possibility of no Cold Wars, I shot for the next option. I called Nichols, and if he didn't get up early enough, Casa del Viscount was open for the above-mentioned Saturday gaming. To be certain I sent out my broadcast email, just to see if there were any other takers.

The only response I've gotten has been from Steve. Apparently, he and Jeff have decided to continue the now 3rd Annual Guy's Weekend. No details, but I'm absolutely amazed that he organized the trip. I do believe that we may have a tradition that might survive without my constant coddling of the group.

I just wish I had been included on the email list :-p

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