
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, May 9, 2011

Osama bin Laden's Compound.... NOW ON SALE!

I have to admit that it took about 24 hours after the news of Osama bin Laden's capture/killing for me to look inside myself and answer the tough questions:

How would the operation play out on the tabletop? What rules system would I use? What scale figures would I need to purchase?

The last question has been given a nudge towards 6mm (1/285), as GameCraft Miniatures has released the Pakistan compound for a tidy sum of $35.00:

According to the website, the compound measures 18" x 8" and comes in four main pieces. Sorry, but it looks like the main building is solid resin. No room-to-room fighting for you. The kit does include a piece of styrene plastic so you make the decision whether or not to add the infamous eight foot privacy wall on the third floor.

Truth be told, when I tried to answer those questions I mentioned above, it could be easily down in 28-30mm. Two dozen of your special operations troops of choice, a pack of Afghan fighters, a helicopter or two, and a LOT of plasticard/cardboard. The conversion from 6mm means you need 7 1/2' by 3 1/2' just for the compound!

Not having seen many skirmish level 6mm games, I immediately thought of using BattleTech. Whether you want a combined arms experience, or just want to send a lance or two of 'mechs into town, it looks like fun. Of course, the military academy in Abbotabad might have a few training 'mechs... or a slightly larger arsenal.

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