
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gaming with the Viscount X

I like to place our rare game days on Facebook events, just in case we can get an extra player, or on the off chance that someone new expresses interest. I've been labelling these session "Gaming with the Viscount," and they've varied from fairly big affairs, to just Nichols and me playing some card game.

Gaming with the Viscount X occurred in East Stroudsburg on Sunday afternoon. It was nice to see the Carsons again, as well as a surprised visit from Scott, who just magically showed up. Thank God we had no-shows, as I would be short material otherwise.

We managed to run the third game for the Tanga Campaign for Gnome Wars, and then a very good Call of Cthulhu game, with nearly all new characters for the same campaign.

I'll have write-ups for both sessions hopefully soon... and the previous CoC write-up completed.

A couple observations from Sunday: Either the Tanga tables need to be 5x8, or troop selection needs to be curbed on a smaller table. And the new CoC Keeper Screen passed it's first test. I do need a sticky with (IDEA, KNOW, LUCK) on it to aid with game speed, but the skill chart was useful, and Resistance Table rolls I need were literally off the charts.

And having my daughter steal my dice, put them in her purse, and have Daddy take the purse to gaming to avoid delaying things will make one lose street cred.

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