
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Have Returned... from Historicon 2011

It's 1:30 in the morning, and after a horrendous drive up the Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike, I'll keep it short.

My one day foray into Historicon was an absolute blast.

If I somehow forget to mention them in my con recap posts, I'd like to thank:

  1. Miniatures Building Authority for letting me use their awesome Middle East board for my game.

  2. Jim Stanton for hooking me up with MBA, and a pile of ideas we bounce off each other. The gnome fanatics (gnomiacs?) are DOOMED for Fall In! Mwhahahaha!

  3. Mike Lung and his son, Scott, for allowing me to photograph all his awesome custom GW stuff, plus posting it on the blog. It might take awhile, but trust me, it's worth it!

  4. The guy from the Brigade Games booth, whose name escapes me. He magically showed up with bottles of Yuengling Black and Tan between sessions when the secret beer stash dried up. That alone got me through the first 90 minutes of the "village" side of the scenario.

  5. A very patient and loving wife.

Over the next week, I'll post the same convention write-up format that I did for last year's con.

Viscount Eric needs sleep badly.

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