
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 22, 2011

(LOS) UNE Superfortress... even bigger!

I snagged up this picture from a blog that posted on TMP awhile ago. The UNE Superfortress is the marquee piece from the halcyon days of LOS lore. It's gigantic, a couple a pounds of lead, and may require membership in the ironworker's union to assemble. Truth be told, I've never seen one on a battlefield.

This might be a better option for it.

There is a beautifully painted Superfortress, surrounded by 15mm sci-fi minis. It does give the unit the mecha-quality that it has always demanded. The weaponry on it's left wing isn't stock, but a little customization goes a long way.

I'll try to find the guys blog to give him proper credit.

(Edit: Found it! )

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