
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mepacon Fall 2011

Historicon is over, which means one thing: prepping for Fall-in! With the wife demanding a vacation in Lancaster, I'll be making my first appearance at a Fall-in! since 2002.

The gnome games scheduled are still in the planning stages, and I'll be the first to formally announce them here, but let me give two hints which will help no one.

#1 They will both involve a ridiculous number of trees

#2 The game with my name under it will be a convention theme game (This year's theme is "US Cav"). The actual game is truly known by four people: Jim Stanton, Mike Lung, myself, and a Professor of History at Queens College. It will rock, I guarantee it.

With Fall-in! turning into an extravaganza for me, again Mepacon gets the short end of the stick again. This year's fall con runs November 11-13. I'm already taking two days off for Fall-in!, so another day off to attend Mepacon is out of the question. I'm disappointed. Since my move into Northeast PA five years ago, I may have missed only one or two cons. I'm the con grognard, an institution which should be institutionalized, and its the only time I can peruse new product without driving into the Lehigh Valley (and beyond). It would have been a great platform to playtest my Simpsons-Cthulhu Christmas game, or rerun the Longido portion of Tanga for Gnome Wars.

Perhaps I'll show up Saturday morning, or even Sunday just to support the dealers, see some old friends, and possibly snag some buyout prices at the auction. Or, perhaps I'll still be exhausted from Fall-in! and will simply relax and re-read the post I'm currently working on about the glories of Lehicon IV, back in 1990. Nostalgia is a cure for many an ailment.

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