
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dairy Queen Presents: Hurricanes...ON FIRE!

I'm alive! No need to send out a Swiss medic, even if a Bier Nurse is available...

This weekend was supposed to be the great finale for part one of the Tanga Campaign. Even with the impending doom of Irene pounding down the door, I had a simple plan: If the forcasts stayed consistent, I could make a reasonable decision about travelling by 11am and still manage to contact everyone before they left AND make it down to Easton by 1pm.

Mother Nature, as we all know, is more fickle than my wife.

Despite some water in the basement and the flickering of lights, I checked with our Easton location and everything looked a go. I'll save the actual blow-by-blow details and go with a factual timeline.

At 10am, a tree fell on the the access road to the main highway. To add insult to injury, it was mere feet from a dirt road to the highway that could have been used as a detour. The tree took out power lines, destroyed a transformer and set everything on fire. Given that the fire and electric companies didn't arrive until 2pm to turn off the power (permanently) and put out the fire, I was screwed.

The access road does continue the other way, dumping you in an out-of-the-way location (and given that where I live in an out of the way location, that's really bad. The road is barely passable in good weather, and you would be putting your car in danger driving it, if, of course, you could cross the bridge that was three foot over flood stage!

Needless to say, I was bummed and had to abort the travels late.

Four brave souls did show up for gaming, Archi, Dalcin, Nichols, and Bob. I felt particularly bad for Bob as we haven't seen each other in YEARS and he drove all the way up from Trenton. The guys got in a rip-roaring game of Axis and Allies minis and another good game of Tannenhauser (sp?)

On top of that, the Day of Sloth looks like questionable weather, so I'm considering pulling back from that one as well. Which is a pity, we have a HUGE pile of wood to burn after the storm.

On the painting front: at least I got a unit of Sikhs primed. *sigh*

Next up: How I spent the previous day "gaming" with "normal" people.

Next up:

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