
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Fall-in! 2011 PEL is up!

The Fall-in! 2011 Preliminary Event Listing (PEL) was posted this week. First off, I love the fact that the file at is a Word document and not a pdf. It was much easier to navigate to look for things. Just my opinion.

At a solid glance, the US Cav theme is about as sparse as South American revolutions were for Cold Wars this year. Lots of WW2 games, be-it cav-centric or not.

I've made a listing of my choice games on the PEL, and yes, there are plenty of Gnome games.

F-151 - Monkey's Revenge
Fri. 12:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 10 players
GM: Jon Lundberg
Sponsor: Eureka
Pulp 28mm, Rules: Home Rules based Wings of War
The Flying Monkey's main base was bombed at Historicon, but enough escaped that They are out for revenge and ready when the Germans come back for another attack. American Rocketeers Launch in support, but both sides have more weapons
A young kid game, it uses the Eureka flying monkeys and some Pax Limpopo figures, I suppose. I'll definitely run off to see this!

F-146 - Gnome Wars: The Station at The End of The Line - Theme Game
Fri. 12:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 7 players
GM: Jim Stanton with Steven Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!!
Other 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
The US Cavalry needs to protect a station just inside Yellowstone National Park. The Yellowstone Special, carrying visiting dignitaries, gold for the payroll, and various "beverages," is inbound and several interested parties are headed for the station. Who will be in control when the train pulls in?
Players bringing a painted unit of gnomes from Brigade Games do not have to preregister. No special or heavy weapons for this game. No one under 14 without a playing adult.

All GW games will have a Yellowstone theme, most involving a train. No specials or heavy for the chaos this will be makes me love Mr. Stanton a little more each day, in a gnome way, of course.

F-287 - Ordeal at Owikokorero (German South-West Africa, 1904)
Fri. 2:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 6 players
GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado
Sponsor: Falcon Miniatures, Prize: Gift Certificate
Colonial 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)
Description: It was supposed to be a reconnaissance mission, but the Schutztruppen, machine gunners and Marines of the Recon Detachment were looking for a fight. So were Herero riflemen, expertly concealed in the bush. Can the Germans get in close, get their intel and get out alive, or will the Hereros annihilate the Recon Detachment? From the new scenario book "The Herero War". More at

This is something I want to read and someday get a chance to play. It would flow in with the Gnomish Bore Wars perfectly.

F-197 - First Annual Road Warrior Thunder Dome Invitational
Fri. 2:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 14 players
GM: Eric Schlegel and the HAWKs
Modern Matchbox, Rules: Future Race
A cross-country car race based on Jamie Davis' popular "Future Race" rules. Drivers will battle each other, the desert terrain and various other factors to be the first around the oasis and over the finish line. Bumping is encouraged (some might say required) and style points will be awarded for the most spectacular wreck.
Younger players welcome with a participating adult.

Vehicular weaponry would be awesome, but this just looks fun!

F-329 - HMS Dreadnaught in Battle
Fri. 6:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 6 players
GM: Chad Zerbe and Reading Area Wargamers
Sponsor: RAW
WWI 1:2400, Rules: When Dreadnoughts Ruled the Seas
The British launched the HMS Dreadnaught in late 1906 and with it made every other Battleship in the world obsolete. With ten large guns she had about twice the firepower of the other major ships. She leant her name to a whole generation of Big Battleships. This hypothetical battle has the HMS Dreadnaught fighting a contemporary German fleet to see just how revolutionary she might have been in battle. However, Germans realize the Dreadnought with all big guns may be very vulnerable to Torpedo Boat attacks

My love for smaller than 1:600 turn of the century naval games shines through.

F-265 - Zeppelin Killers
Fri. 6:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 12 players
GM: John Stoner
WWI 1:72nd, Rules: Canvas Eagles
Four Zeppelins are returning home from a night bombing raid on London. However, foul weather has caused them to go off course and now they have been caught in broad daylight over France. French scouts have their sights set on the easy targets. Can the Zeppelins outrun them? Will German planes come to the rescue? An easy game to learn and fun to play.
Children under 12 with the help of an adult
Zeppelins! I said zeppelins!

F-147 - Gnome Wars: The Train Pulls In! - Theme Game
Fri. 6:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 7 players
GM: Jim Stanton with Steven Stanton and Stout Gnomes
The Yellowstone Special is pulling into the station and everyone wants a piece of the action. Who will be standing on the platform to greet it?
Players bringing a painted unit of gnomes from Brigade Games do not have to preregister. No special or heavy weapons for this game.
Part two of the Yellowstone Train theme.

F-174 - Russo-Japanese Naval
Fri. 8:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 8 players
GM: Steve Robinson and Woodbridge (VA) Area GamerS
Sponsor: Merrimack the Old Glory Shipyard, Prize: Merrimack the Old Glory Shipyard
Early 20th Century 1:600, Rules: Grand Fleet (modified)
For all those period enthusiasts, this is a hypothetical naval engagement in the Yellow Sea to introduce fellow wargamers to the fun of gaming the period. A Russian Battleship squadron is on the hunt for revenge of the torpedo attack on the Port Arthur. However, the Japanese fleet is ready to give battle. Can this battle change the course of history? This game is featuring 1/600 scale Russo-Japanese ships produced by Old Glory Shipyards.
Just because I've like smaller than 1:600 naval games, doesn't mean I wouldn't want to try a 1:600 game.

F-240 - "Something Fishy This Way Comes..."
Fri. 8:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 6 players
GM: Bob Giglio
Other 28mm, Rules: The Bootleggers by Steve Barber (modified)
Crime boss Dion O'Bannion's weekly shipments to Arkham were raided by Prohibition Agents, so he moved deliveries far out into the country to Dagon Point and the old Binkley House atop the cliff; it's perfect. Rum Runner arrives at midnight, docks, unloads bootleg, and the gang truck it back to the city - simple. But rival factions abound and weird things can happen in Lovecraft Country!
Age 15 or older; game based on horror writing of H.P. Lovecraft (you've been warned!)
Now I know who bought all the Deep One figures on eBay.

S-133 - The Battle of Yellowstone - Theme Game
Sat. 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 10 players
GM: Eric Jacobsom
Early 20th Century 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
For over 30 years, the United States Cavalry were the sole protectors of one of our national treasures, Yellowstone National Park. Join the valiant men of Troop K, as they spend their days fighting against illegal poachers, loggers, miners, wayward campers, and worst of all, sheep. All of this will be done, of course, with gnomes.
My game. Might have to increase the chaos factor to make it look like a traditional GW game. However, I want this to also be historically accurate, with more than crazed charges and stalwart defenses. I mean, hey, I've got sheep!

S-288 - Ambush at Gross-Barmen (German South-West Africa, 1904)
Sat. 10:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, 5 players
GM: Roy Jones with Eric Alvarado
Sponsor: Falcon Miniatures, Prize: Gift Certificate
Colonial 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)
Ambush at Gross-Barmen (German South-West Africa, 1904)
Description: German sailors from a Naval Landing Party march through a narrow defile. The Hereros wait in ambush, hidden in the boulder-strewn hills above. They realize that the Sanitation Carriage contains more than just medical supplies (maybe even cartridges)! The Herero plan: shoot the oxen, shoot the sailors, take the Carriage! From the new scenario book "The Herero War".

More Herero War stuff, obviously

S-276 - Bear-o-drome
Sat. 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 8 players
GM: Jim Reynolds and WNPG
Sponsor: Eureka USA, Prize: DICE
WWI 28mm, Rules: Bear-o-Drome
The Red Bearon is the scourge of the skies, but the brave pilots of the Royal Bear Corps and their allies of the Lafayette Ourscadrille Will not give up that easy. Kids come and play with Eureka’s new Flying Bear Circus Miniatures. Kids Game

Sometime after I get my players up and running, I will hunt this game down!!!!

S-175 - Trench Wars: Treat Them Rough!
Sat. 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, 8 players
GM: Steve Robinson and Woodbridge (VA) Area GamerS
Sponsor: Acheson Creations
WWI 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars (modified)
Part 1- Tommy is facing the formable Hindenburg line. Can the shear bravery of Tommy and the steel behemoths punch their way through Jerry’s defenses? Or, will a sea of wire entanglements, bunkers and non-ceasing hail of machinegun fire defeat Tommy’s juggernaut? Come and pick a side and taste once again the rotting, acidic smell of the western front. I know for sure that lead figures do not bleed, but allot will have to wait until the afternoon to be played with again. Beginners welcomed!
One day, I shall get to play Trench Wars, from which Gnome Wars is loosely based on.

S-176 - Trench Wars: Treat Them Rough!
Sat. 2:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 8 players
GM: Steve Robinson and Woodbridge (VA) Area GamerS
Sponsor: Acheson Creations
WWI 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars (modified)
Part 2-
And this slot might be my chance.

S-149 - The Trolls Raid Brick-a-lot
Sat. 10:00:00 AM, 2 hrs, 6 players
GM: Charles Kline
Fantasy 28mm, Rules: Home Rules
Brick-a-lot is the finest castle in all of Lego-nia, and that is why the Trolls have decided to launch a daring raid against it! Will you side with the Trolls and their "trusty" allies, or will you join the forces of Good and defend the realm against the merciless (yet not too smart) Trolls. Simple, fast rules using familiar mini-figs, suitable for young players.
Kid Friendly Game, Ages 8 - 12.
Trolls, Legos, and enthusiastic players. Gaming Paradise.

S-145 - Gnome Wars: Stop That Train! - Theme Game
Sat. 3:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, 6 players
GM: Jim Stanton with Steven Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!!
Other 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
The US Cavalry needs to protect a train leaving a remote station just inside Yellowstone National Park. Will the Yellowstone Special, carrying visiting dignitaries, gold for the payroll, and animals headed to various zoos, make it out of the park? Or will various bands of raiders get their quarry off of the train?
Players bringing a painted unit of gnomes from Brigade Games do not have to preregister. No special or heavy weapons for this game. No one under 14 without a playing adult.
Part three. I might pass playing/helping this session to play Trench Wars and prepare for the final GW slot.

S-144 - Gnome Wars: The Joust
Sat. 8:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, 30 players
GM: Steven Stanton with Jim Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!!
Other 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars Come and try your luck in the Gnome Joust. Rules Taught, Quick, Easy. FUN!!! No one under 14 without a playing adult. Players are encouraged to bring their own mount, but it is not required.
This time, this event is mine! No drunken dads, rosary-praying moms, or stout smurfs will stop me!!!! It will probably be a seven-year old in a Spongebob shirt kicking my ass.

Z-193 - Field Mice vs. Zombie Pumpkins
Sun. 10:00:00 AM, 2 hrs, 6 players
GM: Todd Harland-White and the HAWKs
Modern 25mm, Rules: Milk and Cookies
A truck carrying mysterious laboratory chemicals has crashed and spilled its load onto the back forty of a farmer's pumpkin patch. There the local field mice are foraging for foodstuffs to put away for the long Winter. However, the moon is full and things are about to go terribly wrong. Kid friendly.
I will probably drag the family back Sunday just so I can see this (and possibly trade a family member or friend coming with us for some lead).

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