
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, October 13, 2011

(FOR SALE) 54mm ATKM AWI for Sale!

The hammer has been dropped. As much as I love 54mm, I can't expect to paint my figs, much less play with them, anytime soon.

Below is the list of all the All the King's Men figures I've accumulated. It isn't much compared to the mega-games, but I've only budgeted a pack per convention usually, and the terrain caught my eye lately. Sorry, the terrain stays. Gnomes + giant haystacks = awesome!

  • 1 unit, British Light Dragoons (8)

  • 1 unit Continental Infantry (14)

  • 1 unit British Infantry (14)

  • 1 unit Continental Skirmishers (8)

  • 1 unit Artillery

  • 1 pack of three pounder field guns (3)

  • Northeastern Woodland Indians plastics boxed set (18)

  • Another set of Indian plastics (12)

  • Litko 1.25 in circular bases, 3mm plywood (25)
I'm asking $120.00 for the whole set, shipping included. I think this is a fair price, given that I do believe Ken at ATKM was forced to increase prices for the new casting.

I would prefer not to sell this piecemeal, but I am willing to make any decent offer. I'm even willing to meet at a "offsite" location to deliver the figures at Fall-in! if need be.

Feel free to contact me at viscounteric at gmail dot com. We can talk turkey get these into the hands of someone who can give them a good home to be killed little lead deaths over and over again.

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