
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Holy Moley... There's an HMGS Newsletter

The strangest things happen when I check my email late at night.

Lo, and behold a newsletter from HMGS... With actual information! It seems that the organization is (barely) in the black for the year and that there is no great conspiracy to destroy the HMGS or make the BoD part of the 1% through some underhanded dealings. Just a bunch of people trying to operate a non-profit organization and run some conventions most of us love.

What amused me greatly, and most gentle readers who aren't HMGS, were some fantastic little articles written by Bob & Cleo Liebl.

Thoughts upon the Selection of Armies & Scaling-Down One’s Mistakes : A nice write-up about scale, period, and a beautiful comparion of 54/25/15mm, or my eyes fail me and they're 25/15/6mm.

55 Days in Peking: The Defense and Relief: Some great pics of the 55 Days in Peking game at Historicon.

Kid-Friendly Games: Giving some love to the games played by kids, both young and old. Gnome Wars gets a great deal of love and pics, as do the HAWKS games (Lego Cowboys!)

For all the info:

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