
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

(Fall-in 2011) Pics, before my camera crapped out

As I said in the firt FI post, my camera crapped out during the gnome joust Saturday night. On top of that the spirits of the Host must have been stirring, because half my pictures turned into complete blurry crap.

While I did hear a number of people harp on some new games, a number of games were recycled from previous cons, to the point that I've been comparing shots from the past two years of cons, and lo and behold, I took the exact same shot at this con. If you're still getting a full table, I guess it can't be wrong. I'll just wait for Cold Wars for the new stuff, hopefully.

Here are the pics I salvaged:

54mm Sci Fi

Zombies at the North Pole?

Warning: Zeppelin Storage!

Lego Kid's Fun

My Type of Tank Porn

Ingenious use of foam floor mats. The regular mat was placed over this and trees were pinned into the foam.

54mm French and Indian

Transformers, one of those "regular" games I mentioned

15mm Victorian Sci-Fi

Next up: GNOMES!

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