
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wooly And His Fortress of Middleofnowhere-ness

This weekend the family embarked on a long, arduous journey to Johnstown to visit my buddy Wooly and his wife Jenny. Our hosts were gracious, our kids well-behaved, and I believed everyone had a great time.

One-completely non-gaming related note: That whole potty training thing? Those golden moments when the little one doesn't need diapers anymore is overrated when you hear, "Mommy? Daddy? I gotta use the potty now!" about two dozen times during the trip.

Early Saturday morning I tried to convince Jenny to have them come with us to next year's Fall-in! in Lacaster. They had left the gaming haven confines of the Lehigh Valley around the same time I had, and Wooly hadn't gamed since. We're talking SEVEN years plus. It's a shame, Wooly has a truly vast collection fo Battletech books and minis, and a sizeable collection of Legions of Steel collecting piles of dust in his basement. It should be used. It NEEDS to be used. But yet, Jeep conventions, real life, and distance have kept him out of the loop.

If I remember Wooly's long-winded stories correctly, Johnstown had a comics/gaming store in the area, but the owner got hit with charges of overdue taxes, child abuse, or something in between. He's found one store in Altoona, but that turns into over an hour drive, and to cultivate a comfortable gaming enviroment does require multiple trips and a few leaps of faith.

Alright true believers, what gaming places are within an hour of Johnstown, PA? Only requirements are that they stock more than Magic/40k/D&D. Any help for the master of the AC-20 to the head would be appreciated.

And I'll see if he's willing to take some time off for Cold Wars to hang with Steve, Nichols, and myself.

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