
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

(Cold Wars) Cold Wars 2012 PEL is up - Gnome Games!

And here, boys and girls, are the Gnome Wars events for Cold Wars 2012

F-209 - Gnome Wars: Surf and Turf
Fri. 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, 8 players
GM: Jim Stanton with Steven Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!
Age of Piracy 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars!
Captain Alvarado and his band of pirates are trying to evade the
British pirate hunters and sneak onto a deserted island and get their
treasure. The Captain best be on his guard for the British Marines
are hot on his trail.
One of the bring your army, don't prereg games. British Marines getting some love for once.

S-355 - The Battle of Apaula Heights - 1898
Sat. 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, 8 players
GM: Eric Jacobson
Colonial 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
During the Spanish-American War, the USS Charleston obtained
the complete surrender of Guam with only a small landing party. In
this what-if scenario, the Charleston and the troop transports it was
escorting are rerouted to Samoa instead, to support the rebels in the
Second Samoan Civil War and forcibly remove German influence.
My "unofficial" game, as the army rules does not apply. American, German, Samoan Swiss, and possibly the Imperial Guard of California making their debut.

Then Saturday Afternoon, everything goes crazy!

S-211 - Gnome Wars: High Seas
Sat. 3:00 PM, 4 hrs, 8 players
GM: Kevin Jacobi with Jim Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!
Age of Piracy 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars!
The landing parties have headed to shore to get the treasure. The
members of the crew that stayed on the ship must try to keep it
afloat and free from rival crews, ghost and zombie crews, and
pirates. Hoist the black flag and load the cannons!

S-210 - Gnome Wars: Treasure Island
Sat. 3:00 PM, 4 hrs, 8 players
GM: Jim Stanton with Steven Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!
Age of Piracy 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars!
Standing in the shade of the palm trees on this uncharted island,
looking down at the faded map in his hands, Lon the Lunkhead felt
a tad uneasy. Was the map real? The answer to his question was
just a few feet below his shoes. Lon drew a thin breath and ordered
his gnomes to start digging.

S-212 - Gnome Wars: The Raid on New Providence
Sat. 3:00 PM, 4 hrs, 8 players
GM: Eric Jacobson with Jim Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!
Age of Piracy 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars!
The British Marines are planning a raid on New Providence to look
for pirate scum. What they don't know is that there are more than
just pirates with "business" on New Providence and the marines
are just pissing them off.
Let's just try to comprehend this. Three separate tables, 24 pre-reg slots, one table of treasure hunting, one of a raid on a pirate town, and the last an ongoing ship to ship combat going on in between! And yes, somebody said zombies in there!

S-213 - Gnome Wars: The Raid on New Providence
Sat. 8:00 PM, 4 hrs, 6 players
GM: Steven Stanton with Jim Stanton and Stout Gnomes
Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes!!
Age of Piracy 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars!
After being duped on the desert island Lon the Lunkhead brings
his German forces to confront the pirates on the island of New
Providence. Come and help answer these questions: Will he
reclaim his treasure and get his Revenge? Can the pirates turn the
tide and make-off with Lon's
A nice cooldown scenario from the chaos of Saturday afternoon.

and just so everyone can review the entire PEL:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your blogs on the Gnomes, most interesting. Would love to hear your thoughts on what you would like see released.

    Happy new Year to you and your family.


