
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Viscount... will return....lalalalala... to Mepacon...

Is this right? Mepacon XXII? After a two-con and one-year absence, I will be returning to Mepacon, April 20-22, at the Ramada in Clarks Summit. Just drive the Northeast Extention of the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and *boom* there we are.

Truth be told, I'll only be attending Saturday afternoon, running a game, catching up with friends, and getting my auction/raffle fix. Mrs. Viscount will be tagging along, as a favor to me. It's my birthday weekend, so she'll hang out, get freaked out by C.J. Henderson, and prevent me from buying a second printing of the beta playtest of the TMNT/Aftermath crossover rpg at the auction, before going out to dinner and a movie.

Without further ado, here is my event for the afternoon slot:
Title: Escape on the Usambara Railway
System: Gnome Wars (duh!)
Description: Outnumbered German forces attempt to escape the evil Swiss forces moving in. . Can the Germans load up enough men and supplies on thetrain until it leaves, or is it curtains for the Kaiser's best?. ...all of this done, of course, with Gnomes.
8 players, beginners welcome, older kids (9+) encouraged.

Yes, my friends, this will be scenario #5.1 of the Tanga Campaign. I've given the German the short end of the stick for the last two games, so I'll give them one last chance to supply the forces in Tanga. Objectives will allow for a fun time by the players at the con, but will influence troop selection, void out special rules, like the machine gun ammo rule, and possibly add troops to later scenarios.

This also gives me enough time to get some buildings together for the city fighting portion of the campaign.

For more info about Mepacon go to:

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