
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Countdown to Cold Wars: The Michael Lung Gallery #11

Short of one spot of touch up on one of the ships, some flocking, and some sealing, all required projects for Cold Wars are complete (pics to come tonight). Tonight I can procede with the toughest part of the process, packing.

I did have to cancel on my friend Steve's invitation to come down to Allentown Thursday night, drink heavily, and go down to Lancaster via convoy. I wouldn't get down there to almost 10pm, plus the kids have been a handful for two parents all this week, so if I can perform damage control Thursday night and drop them off for daycare first thing Friday morning, I can still get down there right when the Tennis Barn opens up.

As another teaser, I present more of Mike Lung's work, most notably the unit De Fooz Polynesia acquiring a native boat for transportation. But where, oh where, are the natives?

Probably hiding in the next post, or after the British Marines.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Eric, looking forward to the photos.


