
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 19, 2012

eBay Finds for the Week

Despite my "big budget" for Cold Wars, I had discovered a number of minis on eBay being auctioned off still in the original blisters. I managed to snag up three out of a potential seven items, all for under two bucks apiece with combined shipping.
First off, the Sniperbots this cheap are what drew me into the auction to begin with. Again, I don't know when I going to get a chance to play LOS, but these should be easy to paint.

The Warhammer Undead Bat Swarm is a no-brainer, since the Gnome Vampire is in the painting queue. More assembly line paint jobs to practice technique.

The Warhammer Undead Wolves are a bit of a conundrum. Can't use them for the Wizard (I already have plenty of wolves), and the vampire as written doesn't have them. Oh well, another item to warm up and get back into painting.

With Mepacon coming up, I have a lot of Germans to finish up. Might just be face, helmets and flocking, but most of my Der Fleideraffes and Der Leinenkugels are at least base coated.

Plus, if someone is interested, there is a huge lot of LOS up for bidding. A new box set, and dozens of minis still in the blister. The $800 opening big will detract from bidding, but it's pretty hard to miss if you do a search.

1 comment:

  1. I like the swarm of bats idea, good work there Eric on sealing that deal.

    Will need to look into getting some myself.


