
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, March 26, 2012

Gnome Wars at NJCon 4!

Per a post on TMP, Jim has announced Gnome Wars games at NJCon4!

NJCon is a fast-growing miniatures convention in Central New Jersey. This year it will be held June 8-9 in Edison, NJ.  For those who were against the move of Historicon to Fredericksburg, this is their rallying point for the summer.  For of us like me who can't justify a 5+ hour drive to Virginia, this is a perfect day trip to Edison, NJ  I'm more familiar with the roads, directions, alternate routes, plus I believe I'm familiar with the facility, and it's quite nice.

Even before the Historicon announcement, I had put this con on the maybe list, and it hasn't changed.  Family life trumps gaming, as I've admitted over and over again and our schedule is slammed this year.   Two things have pushed me closer to the active negotiations with Mrs. Viscount:  (1)  Two Gnome Wars games for Saturday afternoon and evening, and (2) Brigade Games and Eureka will be there selling their wares.   Pre-reg, pre-order stuff from the guys for con pick-up, and play some gnomes.  Looks like a possible plan. for more info.


  1. Can't justify a 5+ hour drive to VA for HCon...hahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!

    I have done 7-9 hrs (depending on traffic or Westing to avoid DC) up to PA for YEARS!!!! I will not even mention the iffy weather for Cold Wars most years!!

    Y'all have a much easier time avoiding DC/Baltimore using 301 down to Fredericksburg than we do going North to Lancaster. 301 is not a bad road and it drops you onto 95 almost on top of the con.

  2. Hey,

    Let's not make this into a Tit-for-Tat, TMP like debate.

    When my kids were younger (like Eric's) it would have been hard for me to justify the extra travel days to my wife. (8 hours from CT) I now have it easier because my kids are older and my son comes with me.

    The folks from the South have been making the drive for years – we all acknowledge and appreciate that. Everyone just assumes that if someone from up North is unable to make it to Historicon that they are making some sort of political statement. I don’t think most of us are, but we need to work out the logistical issues that have come up now that the con has moved farther from us. It is a reality that the Southerners have been dealing with for many years but is new to the Northerners.

    I’m going to NJcon to support Brigade Games, who will have a booth there, and put on some games. I hope to see as many “gnome people” as possible there.

    “The Gnome Guy”

  3. Some people like to stare into the Abyss, when it stares back at you, that's called driving in

    For me, GenCon or Origins are seven to nine hours away, but they're not even close to my radar. Our group used to do a pilgrimage to Buffalo that took a little over six hours, but that involved a car load of gamers, our youth, and a few muppets. I'm a regional con guy now, for better or for worse.

  4. Not trying to make it a debate or start something political. I just laugh at anyone that fusses over driving less than a tank full of gas from their home. My buddies from Atlanta, Boston, Upstate NY, and Canada call us NC boys whinners for complaining about 7 hr trips!!!

    Maybe it is because I grew up in the middle of nowhere...30 mins from the nearest town of >10,000 souls and just over 1 hr from the closest real city.

    Would love to go to NJcon (to Gnome out) if it was not at a bad time of year for me...that and my vacation is also devoted to a family trip to Orlando and a Major Star Wars Convention this year.


  5. Eric, if you think staring into the Abyss is Va., then you obviously have NEVER driven in West Texas (or really anywhere in TX or OK). I40 across TN is right up there as well!!

  6. West Texas is a figment of everyone's imagination. If it were real, it could only be placed somewhere outside of Pluto. Nothing can be that vast and empty, save maybe *insert political joke here*

  7. Eric, I was on this TX road that was dead level straight for MILES, then it just dogged right and eventually came back into the same straight line it had been going. The joke was that even the guys building the road fell asleep...

    Jim, the Convention (Celebration VI) in in Orlando at the end of August. My boy is torn up that he will miss the 1st day of school as we drive back home.
