
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A New Poll: Hey, Stop Dancing There!

An off-blog discussion on what Gnome Wars figures are rumored to be coming out for Historicon and/or Fall-in! has forced me to set up a new poll. I will post the options here with minimal commentary. Discuss amongst yourselves:

  • Znombies! No, they are not currently a Brigade product

  • Cannibals Neither are the Cannibals, aka Samoans or Zulus I've seen them mentioned as on other blogs

  • Italians These have been rumored for a year now.

  • Canadians The stereotypical choices could be endless, eh?

  • Banana Republic: These should cover an Latin American, peasant rebellion, etc. army.

  • Casualty Markers: Dead Gnomes, have to be a use for them, right?

  • Swiss Cav It's sacriligious, but boy do the customs look nice!

  • British Sailors Just sayin' that British sailors seemed to be mentioned on land a lot more than British Marines. Heck a generic "sailor" figure might work out.

  • More Russians Only a Russian Officer and regular infantry are needed. Quick and easy.

  • Aussie Foot I'm very disappointed that they haven't been made. Might need to push to the Aussie Roo Cav to show a need for more figs.


  1. Hi Eric,

    Well I for one would love to see Aussie foot. British sailors manning a machine gun (already made) would be cool to.

    Banana Republic Gnome in straw hat with banana would be so cool.

    Zombie gnome is without a question. They can be used by the Vampire and Witch.

    I like the idea of Frankenstein and a werewolf gnome too. Okay not on list, but needs to be.

    What did you think of the Aussie list I posted on the yahoo group?



  2. For got to say. I really would like to see Jim post some new army lists on the group for discussion or just for acknowledgement. Would be nice to see a British list.



  3. I, for one, could live without the Zombies.

    I would rather see the Canadian Gnom'eh? Who would not want Eskignome, Mounties on Moose, Slap-shot Grenadiers, Medics with giant bottle opener ('cause, you know, ALL Canadians carry their own beer, eh!!), Loonie drone attack birds, and yeah, I have given this WAY too much thought.

    For the Italians, I have one rule. At the start of the turn, both sides roll a die...the loser HAS to Ally with the Italians!!!


  4. Hi Brian, The Canadian Gnomes sound like a plan, wow some nice ideas there. By the way Bull Winkle Moose is my favourite cartoon character. Not to mention the other characters that go with him. Can let go Zombie idea and get tied in with the Canadian theme.



  5. At least somebody took my request seriously!

    Helen: I peering at the list right now, and when I'm actually able to sleep, will give you a full analysis. At first glance, you're in the right direction.

    Helen #2: The British lists we played with at Cold Wars desperately need a medic. Volley fire and "sea legs" made them a formidable foe.

    Brian: No zombies? I knew there was a fault to you somewhere. And your Canadians follow Jim's thinking, except more mentions of tooks.

  6. What does that mean, "post army lists on the group for discussion or acknowledgement?" The British Marines?

    If I had a vote it would be Canadians, then Aussie foot.

    When you are thinking about figures and nationalities you have to think a bit more "inside the box." Cannibals are fun, but I don't see them at another convention for a few years. Same with Zombies - although we used them the past two conventions (and they are all the rage right now), is every game/scenario going to invole a zombie attack?

  7. Jim, why can't we have zombies in every game?

    ...I will turn in my shirt now.Seriously though, a couple of points on zombies:
    1) They have provided "collateral damage" in both games. A full-fleged zombie Gnome Wars game (preferably the 9am slot on the MBA Middle East table at Historicon, Mike I know you're reading this!) would be an extravaganza.
    2) I don't think anyone is thinking full-blown army, just a couple of sculpts that Lon could easily move on a novelty basis. Who wouldn't want to snag up 2 or 3 figs, or a dozen? No "Zombie Masters" or special figs produced. No army deals so someone could not bring a zombie army to an HMGS megagame.

    And although I didn't vote for cannibals, I know at least three people who are interested in generic "Polynesian" gnomes, headhunters optional. Perhaps a little Hawaiian theme.

    I will post on the army lists question and counter-question later this weekend.

  8. I like to think that Zombies, mummies and skeletons are the undead that could turn up in any game. Throw in a few more undead characters like Frankenstein an a gnome werewolf and you have some very cool creatures. These undead creatures can be adapted in the rules with some added abilities. I did suggest a partial armoured skeleton that would be very cool. Whether in Greek armour or European armour that would be great.

    As Eric has indicated, Polynesian gnomes would be good. As I had have already suggested for the Aussie list, Captain James Cook who needs no introduction, has a link to, Canada, Australia and the Hawaiian islands. Add in the British marines and British sailors and gnome history is looking pretty good.

    I suggested Aussie foot on the poll for the next release, but Canadians, British sailors (you need an officer to lead the marines with a drummer) or a zombie would be nice too.

    I thought of another hero ... The Gnome Ranger.

    Anyway, always nice to see discussion.



  9. Eric - you can have zombies in every game- but then doesn't that make every scenario the same? Not every game has to have a common enemy - some games it works, but if you do it every game doesn't that take the "wow" out of it?

    And this has nothing to do with Mike Lung's zombies or cannibals - they are awesome figures, I even bought a dozen zombies from him - but has to do with the process and cost of getting a sculpt ready for release. Eric comment says it all - "who wouldn't pick up 2 or 3," - when you need to sell 120 of them just to break even with the sculpter.

    (plus I know where I can get hy hands on 120 zombies if I need them - thanks Mike!)

  10. Sorry Jim, didn't see this "What does that mean, "post army lists on the group for discussion or acknowledgement?" The British Marines?"

    Just to clarify, if there to be a British List? Are there any other countries that you maybe thinking about for the rules besides the Canadians which seems from Brian and your suggestions like a grand plan.

    Some really great ideas coming out so thanks a million to everyone involved.



  11. Thanks Jim for a random number to determine the break even point.

    The issue I have is that figures like the Gnomans or the live gnomelings come out and I hear a tiny response. I'm not even going to pretend that I know Lon's sales, but zombies have got to do better than gnome mummies, the witch, vampire, or any other "solo" fig, heck even a number a newer armies.

    This poll with its whopping nine votes notwithstanding, even a straight-up Aussie Foot unit with no "gimmick" would sell well, and pump up sales of the Aussie Roo Cav, thus moving existing inventory and getting closer to break even point and eventual profitability.

    Maybe I've hung around our maple-leaf-flag-draped brethren at the cons, but the Canadians, with a full launch, might be the greatest boon to the game short of the Chinese terminating all scrap metal purchases for a year.

    And Helen, I already have a special request in for Sherlock Gnomes.

  12. I meant to say Eric, what would the Italians look like? How would the Swiss cavalry appear to you or others as a miniature?



  13. Helen,

    I've heard numerous reports on the Italian front, most describe the figs as more Italian-America: pizza grenadiers, mob thugs, although I do favor the peasant look from the Wars of Italian Unification for basic infantry.

    The Swiss Cav could be a simple conversion of the German figure on a rabbit. Although, as written the Swiss/German balance is pretty good. I don't want to see how rampant Swiss Cav could significantly change gameplay.
