
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, April 16, 2012

More Cold Wars Pics

I finally got the photos off the borrowed camera, and I am a bit disappointed that there were a lot of duplicate pics. Without further adieu, remaining pictures from Cold Wars, with some possibly redundant commentary.
Gnome  Mega-game: Everyone arrives at New Providence within two turns.  The British in the fort get a little mortar-happy 

Friday Afternoon Game:  The cannibals get ready to serve the Swiss.  Note the do-nothing Germans in upper-left hand corner.
Friday Afternoon Game: The ships.
An actual sandbox game. I believe this one won best in show. Seems like a whole lot of work for a con game.
Battle of Apaula Heights: Before Deployment
More Gratuitous  Gingerbread Men Pic

Apaula Heights:  The British fall back against the Samoan Bum Rush
Apaula Heights:  A few British stayed on the roof and took out a number of  Samoans.  The Samoans wasted considerable time and casualties to clear out that building.
Apaula Heights:  Samoan rebels ready themselves against (dismounted) American Cav
Apaula Heights:  The British Officer rallies the Gingerbread Men for a counter-attack.
Apaula Heights: The Gingys overwhelm the Samoans
Mega-game:  Shipwreck
Mega-game: Treasure Island set-up
Mega-game:  New Providence set-up
Mega-game: The one German unit accomplishes their mission by delivering the mortar to the HQ
Mega-game: Germans gun down some overly aggressive Highlanders
And a fantastic paint job on some Japanese by Joe and Joe from Livingston,  New Jersey

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