
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sea Dracula!

Like a poor child from the hood who made good, I must occasionally go back to and remind myself why I don't read/post there anymore.  I don't even know if it's still the largest "generic" rpg forum, but that title brings out the same issue.  Lowest common denominator gamers and the questions they spew forth.  Jim Jones-style flavor of the week game addictions.  And let's not go into their Tangency forum (I avoid it like the plague), where the dominant group's ultra-leftist rants make me want to hate women, gays, minorities, the Earth, puppies, and tasty homegrown veggies.  Don't do it man, it just ain't worth it.

However, like finding a suitcase full of cash after working in a landfill after 20 years, I come upon pure gems from time to time.

The thread Silliest RPG Ever is another hum-drum list of everyone's opinions.  Outside of a few people who just don't get it, or simply want to add to the post count, it's a solid listing of great (and mostly silly) games: Toon,Og, Pandemonium, Kobolds Ate My Baby (All Hail King Torg!), all the standard fare.

And then, a few unusual choices came out, the best of which was Sea Dracula.

If you're familiar with The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, then Sea Dracula is right up your alley.  In fact, like Munchausen, I would treat this more like an role-playing party  game than a true RPG.

I've spent the last twenty minutes sitting here and trying to explain the game, but I just can't.  Let's just combine Baron Munchausen, Animal Lawyers, and Dance Offs.  Mix in a blender with a twist of lime and you have Sea Dracula.

PS:  I'm adding dance offs to all my  games: IOU, Hackmaster, GnomeWars, even Checkers.

And since it's appropriate to mention on this post:  Viscount Eric's Favorite Silly Games:

  1. Toon:  Seriously, you can do anything with it.
  2. Og:  The prehistoric cavemen game.  Never played it, but if one can make run an entire convention time slot playing with a ten word vocabulary, it's sheer awesomeness
  3. Risus: not any higher, because it could be used to play a serious game, but who would want to go around and ruin that?
  4. IOU:  same reasons as Risus, plus the GURPS stick in the muds still try to run it "right".
  5. Paranoia:  The Computer has been my homeboy since 1988, but you ain't cleared for 'dat, G!

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