
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Just in case you have't noticed, I am very proud that my daughter has embraced a number of Daddy's wacky interests. I can say, with a healthy dash of  mad scientist laughter, that I am raising a three-year old gamer.  So long as I can keep things fun for her, I hope she'll appreciate all this time, even if she does become a teenage girl one day.

With all the positives, there are the occasional negatives that I ultimately laugh off.  Minis get broken, terrain bent, dice lost. Or, in her case, it will revolutionize cooking and the model making hobbies.

After a great dinner, I was vegging out, when out of the corner of my eye, Maja had one of my recently washed out containers that I use to store flocking, the fake grass and stone that go on the base of each miniature I paint.    Think dollar store Tupperware cup.  I then cover the base with glue, put the fig in the container and move it back and forth until it's covered to my satisfaction. Pretty simple stuff, even for me.

Much to my surprise, Maja had one of my store containers of flock in her hand and refilling the empty one.

"Maja?  What are you doing, sweetie?"

"I;m filling up your grass, Daddy."

All well and good, until I realized the container she was emptying was actually this:

A couple of thoughts:

  1. At least she didn't try to switch my grass with oregano.
  2. Basil looks like tiny mulch. If I even need to model a fancy garden, or a playground, I'll know what to use.
  3. That big thing of Basil was $1.99.  I wonder if I could use the appropriate spice to flock the bases of ethnic groups.  Curry for the Indian troops?
  4. If I base a vampire army with garlic, do I automatically lose?
  5. Once I get the right mixture of static grass, ballast, and small rocks, I wonder if Maja will do the basing from now on?
It goes without saying that my daughter is awesome.  That and she may have thought dinner was a bit bland.

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