
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Catching up...

April has been a far rougher month for me than originally planned, but I'm barely getting back on feet.

First off, so I make some space on my sidebar, the results of my latest poll: "What Gnomes Should Brigade Release Next?"   Thanks to all thirteen voters (even if you voted twice, or didn't notice you could vote for multiple figs).

Aussie Foot. 8
Canadians. 5
Znombies. 3
Banana Republic. 2
Casualty markers 1
British sailors. 1
More Russians 1

With no consideration to sculptor availability, expenses, or even outside demand past those eight votes, I think it's a safe bet that at least a basic Aussie foot soldier would be greeted with some positive response.  The officers, boomerang grenadiers, and bartenders (Beer: Australian for Medic) could come later if the demand justified them.  This might be aided in those of us who bought Aussie Cav painted them up and brought them to the HMGS cons.

Canadians are "in the works" as the rumor goes, although I'd only hold my breath for short periods of time.

Next, Mike Lung, our resident mad scientist/sculptor among the gnomies, is on another super-secret project.  I won't make mention until he's done (and gives the ok), but if you thought gingerbread men, znombies, and cannibal  gnomes were great, this next one will make you giggle.   More to come, once I answer his last two emails.

In the short term, I'll be posting a "best of" collection of  photos from the Gnome Wars game run at Spring Fever by the great Southern Gnomie himself, herzogbrian.  The game looked awesome and definitely gives me a reason to pick up some gnome mummies.I'm need to acquire photos, give proper credit and get basic permissions to use them.

For the two people who look at it, I didn't forget about this month's Apathy of  New Releases.  It was available during Mepacon and I've had bigger  issues to worry about.  There is a rough draft on the blog, and I'll  warn you, it may be bitter and rantish.

Speaking of rants, I still have a few random thoughts about  Cold Wars, although I may package them together into a more general post about cons, gaming, and volunteers.

Finally, I'd like to post some initial idea about the German-American War, as well as the last post of our Call  of Cthulhu game.

As a famous man once said, "We shall see what we shall see..."

1 comment:

  1. Cheers Eric. I look forward to seeing more Gnomes especially if it is Australian or Canadian.

    Thanks for the post.

