
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Iron Brigade Gnomes Released by Brigade Games!

Again, this real life stuff is getting in the way of the important stuff, like announcing Brigade Games new releases!  I apologize for being behind on the times.  I also apologize for the picture quality.

With this wave, we're looking at the Iron Brigade, the badass special unit a large Union/Northern American Gnome army can field:

Lon also released two special characters, the completely insane Two Shot Hodson and Southerner Brennan Stuart on a Shetland Pony.   This is the first release of a "named" character since the Pirates, and gives me hope of an "Eric the Plaid" figure to lead the imaginary Nordic/Viking army.

All Iron Brigade figs are $4.00, as well as Two Shot.   Brennan Stuart, being cav, is $8.50.

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