
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

New Gnomes for Historicon 2012

The formal Brigade Games Historicon news post finally came up on TMP, and amongst the plethora of items guaranteed to make you rob a bank or two before driving down to Virginia, is the Gnow Wars releases:

Russians, Orangemen, GNZombies, Artillery, Miladies for the Joust
No pics, no descriptions, so let's guess for the two days before people can snag them up.
*Russians: The current figure is the sentry, so here's hoping the standard infantry and officer are available.

*Orangeman: The latest releases weren't available at Cold Wars. This includes Drummer, Standard Bearer, and Chaplain (medic)

*GNzombies!: Mike Lung's creations have arrived! I'm still holding pics until I got confirmation as to what figs are out.

*Artillery: I'm hoping this refers to cannnons, mortars, etc, plus figs for both American factions and the Swiss.

*Miladies of the Joust: I do want full confirmation on these, as there are two potential sources. My daughter might get her "official" princess. 

Of course, that's dependent on if there are any left to order after the con.

If you're at Historicon, let me know, and as they say online Send pixplsthx!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you as Lon has supplied me with:

    Gnome Wars Russian Officer, Grenadier and NCO.


