
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Awful Cheese Hulk....innnnn Spaaaace!

I like to post finished projects from my friend Mike Lung.   I've had 15 separate posts under the Mike Lung Gallery header.  I've also done my best to keep quiet about all his works-in-progress.

I quickly alluded to Mike's deluded masterpiece here.  Without further adieu, I present to you Awful Cheese Hulk. 

Combining the best of Steve Jackson's classic boardgame and some game produced in Great Britain, ACH pits the forces of MISE versus some awful things of whatever color you want. 

Casualty Markers (Thing/MISE)
Mike's been playtesting this with son with great success and even more fun.

Of course, Mike combines the best parts of ADD and OCD, so when his mind wanders, he tackles the new project with even more fervor.

Introducing.... Cheese Wars!

The Moon Base and an Alien Incursion
The MISE troopers have been modified from the Reaper Mouslings with added heavy weapons, and even a few landing party specific characters.  I love the modestly dressed Lara Croft, Cheese Raider.

More motivation to get my Gnomish Space Marines set up.  I just hope they aren't lactose intolerant.

Mike's newest find, and an excuse for me to hit the toy store are Star Wars Squinkies.  The figures are disproportionant, so Mike was force to cut the feet off and mold new ones, as well as interesting headgear.

"I find your lack of Brie disturbing!"
And here's a newly sculpted mouse gace onto a figure who looks like the Emporer of the Galactic Rodent Empire.

All that work, and all I can say on my front is that I may paint two figures tonight. 

Fantastic work, Mike!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eric,

    Welcome back and thanks! I was beginning to worry that you were stuck on that cruise ship sitting in the Gulf!

    I'll bring ACH to Cold Wars in case we can "squeak" in a chance to play a game.

    Please get cracking on those Space Gnomes (members of the Swiss Cheese Cartel). Once the mice finish exterminating the mold from the cheese moon, they will need an another opponent to gnaw on!

