
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, February 22, 2013

What to Run at Mepacon Spring 2013?

GM and Player registration for Mepcon Spring 2013 is now open at

Which brings the eternal question, what should I run at Mepacon?  It looks like I'll only be there Saturday, so here's my options:

  1. Nothing, Eric.  Pay to get in and play some games, dammit!  It was nice to be able to do the paint-n-take and play a game last con. I don't know if I could handle having three sessions of fun might be too much.

  2. Gnome Wars: I would run The Farm or the Wishing Well from out of the book. They went over okay a few years back and both were esthetically pleasing.

  3. Toon: Cthulhu Comes to Springfield: The easiest of all the games, I just have to pull out its folder out of my desk and review the "episodes" during breakfast.

  4. Call of Cthulhu: Attack of the Atomic Reptile Bikini Women... in 3-D! Everyone loves to use In Media Res for their "published Cthulhu scenario I'm running at a con", but this one from Worlds of Cthulhu magazine would be much more fun.

  5. Rules Cyclopedia D&D: Home. Kick off my Polynesian game with 0-level characters. And watch them grow as a regular game.

  6. Hack Lite: The Lost City II. I ran B4 The Lost City as a reverse dungeon awhile back with great fanfare. The last group killed the big baddie, but all that did was further plunge to city into chaos. Run using a basic D&D/Hackmaster/CoC rules set.

  7. Burning Plastic: most of my normal requests have scheduling issues, but it's quick and easy.

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