
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March Forward Final PEL is Up!

Like Americans talking about the rest of the world, those of us wargamers on the East Coast don't know how lucky we actually are. Not only do we have the largest convention in the country (Historicon), we have it's two younger HMGS (formerly East) cousins, Cold Wars and Fall-in!, plus we can venture down for Guns of August and the Williamsburg Muster.

To see notice of another HMGS chapter running a convention is always interesting. We forget that most other conventions are operated by fewer staff and volunteers than Cold Wars has running the walk up registration table on a Friday morning, and their square footage is half the Distelfink ballroom.

With that consideration in mind, The final event list for HMGS - Pacific Southwest's convention March Forward is up.

March Forward, Saturday March 23rd, Manhattan Beach, CA

Location: I've always thought the idea of a wargaming convention in a Nationa Guard/Army Reserve Armory was a perfect combition, except this drill hall looks a bit smaller (but much cleaner) than the one I remember during my service.  I can just picture the bickering East Coast hordes complaining about sound and floor issues.  I'm assuming these people are just happy to have a decent con.

Dealers: Four dealers for a one day?  Perfect.

Games:  I not only find it ironic that the sessions are bookended with DBA and 40k demos, but I love the idea.  Plus there's a Wargamer Bootcamp to give players a familiarity of other systems?   Some form of this should be a requirement for all wargaming conventions.  Gamers can expand their horizons, at best, find a new game and players, and at worst, have some concrete reason NOT to like a system, rather than "it sucks," or "it looks complicated."

Personally, I only find the Bora Gora Boogie Gaslight game interesting, but as I say about new product coming out, I am never anyone's target demographic.  Ancients, Medieval, War of 1812, ACW, and plenty of fighter combat is listed, plus a Flames of War tournament for those inclined. 

The great thing I love about these more "intimate" cons is that you can pull off certain promotions far more effectively.  They're going to have hamburgers, hot dogs, and similar fare available for lunch.   That is something that hasn't been offered in my area in over 10 years.  As much as I love the three day Mepacons, those early one day cons at the Wind Gap American Legion, as well as its predeccesor, Bogglecon, had fantastic on-site lunch fare that was cheap, handy, and always tasty.  Even more exciting was the idea that they were ordering pizza for dinner (for a charge, of course.)

If you're even remotely in that area, for the love of God, make some time this Saturday and go over to the con and support your hobby.  You might even have fun doing so...

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