
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Toon at Mepacon 2013!

The results of the poll are in, and it looks like I'll be running Toon at Mepacon next month! (

I think I'll submit "Cthulhu Comes to Springfield" for the late Saturday slot. The three episodes should be "Homer the Ghoul", "Krusty the Kultist," and the newer "Beer Man Was Not Meant to Drink."

Depending on what other events get submitted will determine if I submit a second event for the Saturday afternoon slot. I'd probably do "Cthulhu Comes to Springfield," "Mr Smooth," and a new episode I just conceived last night. Heck, I may throw it in Saturday night if we begin to finish early. Two words: Stonecutters. MexicanBeeGuy.

Now to just find the time to submit everything.

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