
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Historicon 2013 Event Submitted

Well, it's official.  I will be making a one day appearance at Historicon this year in Fredericksburg, Virginia.  I'll be showing up Saturday, running one game, scouting out the dealers/flea market, perhaps jumping in another game, and making the drive back to PA.    It's a much longer day than my last day trip to Valley Forge in '11, but (a) Jim has a case of my miniatures and I need to get them before Fall-in! (b) I should have a small bit of money to spend on those final figures for Samoa and (c) I have the opportunity to run a game on the Middle East board set up my Miniature Building Authority!

From Historicon 2011.  Some variation of this table will be set up all convention long
And for those with attentive eyes: (a) the giant elephant planter is not an MBA product and (b) I will be lugging it back down for this year's game:

"Sikh and Destroy"

The Sikhs are revolting! Bad hygiene aside, the Sikhs have seized control of a crucial trade city. How long can the foreigners last holed up in their embassies? Can the relief column even make a dent in the Sikh defenses?  Any player bringing a painted gnome unit from Brigade Games does not need to pre-register for this event. Kids Welcome with an Adult Executive Officer.
Saturday 9am   Event Scale: 28mm    Rules Used: Gnome Wars  Max Players: 8   Playing Time 4 hours

The last time I ran a game on this table, the Sikhs were running rampant until the De Fooze double agent blew up the refinery on the last turn.  I'm treating this game as part Boxer Rebellion, part Boxer Rebellion Relief Column, and part Gnome Wars traditional chaos!  The Sikhs units and a few special characters need to be painted up, but this one is ready to go (in my mind).

Just a happy reminder, if you are an HMGS member and want to register a game (and get complimentary admission into the con), the deadline to submit it to the intial PEL is April 15.  If you procrastinate that long, lease get your taxes done before submitting your event (at least request an extension). for con info. for info on the buildings and accessories.

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