
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

(Kickstarter) Dark Dungeons: The Movie!

It looks as if somebody has bought the movie license to produce a movie based off Jack Chick's infamous "Dark Dungeons" tract. 

Without doing too much reading it appears that he wants to produce a straight version of the film with a few options of alternate endings for those wanting to back at a higher level.

The one thing that brings me a smile to my face was this statement under "Risks and Challenges":

"This includes simple things like not setting any scenes at night (lighting can be expensive and time consuming), no large crowd scenes (more people mean more complexity means more money), and showing puppet demons fleeing Debbie instead of using CGI demons."

I would just like to see the entire movie done with puppets....


  1. JR here. Point clarification I did not buy the rights. I have the rights for to make a movie free and clear from chick publications Incorporated. They will not receive any money from this film.

  2. I did read that clarification on the Kickstarter comments section, so thank you for pointing that out, and good luck!
