
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Rallying Cry of Lead!

I can't even tell you where I stole this from, but I think this should be my motto for awhile:

The Missus took a bus trip down to Atlantic City over the past weekend and hit a couple sizable chunks of change.    She came back with a brand new iPad, piles of new clothes for the kids, and a Stewart's Orange Cream soda for me... with a a wad of a cash underneath it. 

Once I return from Mepacon this weekend, I'll be placing two orders:  one to Pulp Figures which should fill in all the Samoans I need,

...and one to Foundry for the South American skin paint set.  The medium and dark pigments seem to make perfect Polynesian skin.

Now onto the mission for this evening, find my Toon game for the con.  It's not in its spot in my desk file as it should be.  

1 comment:

  1. Eric,

    I sure hope you are going to bring a couple of boxes of Samoa GS cookies when you finally run this game!

    Znombie Master
