
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Apathy of New Releases (May '13)

Ah, Springtime.  Time to lose customers, young and old, to outdoor chores, sports, and the inevitable vacations.

Nay, I say! Nay!

While I still wax nostalgic over the days more than a decade ago, when a monthly order book meant $100-200 in the store's pocket, there is still a lot of product coming out to wet people's whistles and bring them into stores.

Viscount Eric's Must Have Want List
Call of Cthulhu -- Canis Mysterium -  Finally a scenario that's not some epic quest (or a poor attempt at one!)  $10.95

Viscount Eric's The Money is No Object :List
Asmodee Edition
Formula D Dice - I'm slowly contemplating a racing game for the girls, and the Formula D dice would be a nice mechanic to implement $9.99

Osprey Publishing
Mustafa Kemal - Ataturk  $18.95

The Great Imaginary Store List 
Ares Games
A veritable cornucopia of Wings of Glory planes.  I don't know if $14+ is a good price for a single plane in the game, but given the influx of other fighter/space games, it feels comparable.

Catalyst Games
Battletech Handbook: House Kurita   $39.99
Shadowrun: Splintered State              $19.99

BRP Astounding Adventures   30's and 40's pulp action!  $21.95
BRP Magic World                                                           $38.95

Expeditious Retreat
Advanced Adventures #30 - To End the Rising                $12.00

Fantasy Flight Games
Deathwatch RPG: The Emporer's Chosen                            $39.95

Gale Force Nine
Asteroids  GF9 BB558....................................................................... $39.99
Battlemat Asteroid Belt (36” x 36”)  GF9 BM0005 ............................ $39.99
Battlemat Fiery Nebula (36” x 36”)  GF9 BM0003 ............................ $39.99
Battlemat Frozen Planet (36” x 36”) GF9 BM0004 ............................ $39.99

Green Ronin Games
Mutants & Masterminds: The Cosmic Handbook..................................$32.95

Koplow Games
Ruby Gold Transparent  55mm Countdown d20  KOP 17967.............. $14.00
Gotta love anything new that Koplow can get out. 

Looney Labs
Fluxx the Board Game ..........................................................................$29.95
I want to play this before ordering a pile of copies.

Osprey Publishing
Bolt Action: Armies of Imperial Japan ....................................................$24.95
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Reign of Winter #6 - Witch Queen's Revenge  $22.95
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Reign of Winter Poster Map Folio ...............$19.99
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Thieves Guild  ..........................................................$13.99
Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths and Philosophies ..............................$12.99

Pokemon TCG:  Black & White Plasma Freeze
I had linked an old article from 1998 about one of the local gaming conventions on Facebook and it mentioned Pokemon.  I was surprised by how many parents say their kids still play the game and how they buy the latest sets.  I never said this one wasn't dead, just that I wish it was.

A huge assortment of Bones figures, both for Chronoscope and Fantasy.  Despite some old grognard feelings, the ability to have a giant available for ten bucks is huge!(pun intended)

Steve Jackson
Castellan International ...............................................................................$24.95
Munchkin: Level Playing Field ...................................................................$19.99

Covering all the basis of licensed product, how about The Walking Dead (comic) Monopoly and Risk and My Little Pony Monopoly and Memory!

Magic the Gathering: Dragon's Maze  -  it's new, it's different, and it's already out.  Run some tournaments and start counting the money

New clix sets for Superman, Lord of the Rings, the Lone Ranger,
Pacific Rim and Iron Maiden (excellent!)

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