
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 31, 2015

GenCon: Live Full-Sized Gnomes!

It's Gen Con Weekend!

Umm... woo?

No I haven't quit my job, sold my worldly possessions, and joined the throngs of unwashed masses in Indianapolis.   I'm just following it on social media and, outside of the throngs of people waiting outside  the dealer hall it's seems hectic, but a little ho-hum.  Plenty of new third and fourth-tier product getting release, but nothing that's "GenCon huge." 

I've been sent one photo from my friend Droz:
Over-sized and giant versions of games are all the rage (and set up in prominent picture-taking locations).  Here's the full-sized Oh Gnome You Didn't! game.

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