
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, July 17, 2015

My First Swiss Unit is Finally Complete!

A horrible week for painting.  Too many activities, children that refused to sleep, and the relative ease of jumping on the laptop and knocking out a few of the #RPGaDay posts ground painting production to a halt.

One BierNurse, one Pickaxe, and the fabled 3rd Training Company of the Swiss Army is finally complete. I only bought this unit in, what, 2009?   Let's hope that I have some space time for some relaxation (and painting) next week.

Still in the queue:  Mordheim figs (gah!), BattleMech, the Chupacabra, and ANOTHER Swiss unit to refurb/paint.


  1. Beerta has a desirable nursing style! Nice work.

  2. Keep painting Eric, well done.

