
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Mike Lung Gallery #34 - The Wild Ride

Today is the first day of Historicon in Fredericksburg, Virginia.    Alas, I am not attending again for family and scheduling (but after driving through Fredericksburg on our return trip from Disney in May, I would rather drive the Cross-Bronx Expressway on the wrong side of the median than go through that again.)

However, our ever vigilant correspondent Mike Lung will be at the Fredericksburg Convention Center, playing games, snapping photos, and giving us a play-by-play early next week.

Apparently my family gaming has helped inspire to finish things way out of my league.  Mike's working on a set of gnome racing rules based off of the 200mph rules, but a few significant changes gearing it towards brass era automobiles.  For starters, he's added rules for hand cranked starters, but most importantly, he's converted it to 1/43 scale cars and has made it AWESOME.

The race track is corkboard and silicone caulk and fits the classic racers perfectly.

If you see Mike and his son at the con, give him a big hearty hello.... and whatever you do, don't ask about the Frigonians.

And someone remind Stanton that he supposedly has a super-secret surprise for me.  I just hope it's not a flaming box of poop.... again.  

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